
General Information

Full Name Furkan Çitil
Languages Turkish (Native), English (Fluent), Spanish (Beginner)

Research Interests

  • Throughout my academic journey at Middle East Technical University, I have developed a profound expertise in robotics and computer vision, particularly in the realm of aerial robotics. This expertise is grounded in robust theoretical knowledge from senior-level courses and augmented by hands-on project experience.
  • Currently, I am doing research on event-based vision under the supervision of Aydın Alatan, specifically possible use cases of event-based sensors with depth cameras, such as visual SLAM and 6D pose tracking.


  • 2019 - 2024
    Middle East Technical University
    • Middle East Technical University- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    • GPA: 3.23 / 4.00
    • Specilization: Signal Processing

Work Experience

  • July 24 - Now
    System Engineer
    • Developing algorithms for EO/IR and UV systems.
  • Mar 24 - July 24
    Databoss Security & Analytics
    Computer Vision and Machine Learning Engineer
    • Conducted research on SOTA blind super-resolution algorithms.
    • Developed and implemented algorithms for remote-sensing applications.
  • Nov 22 - Now
    Undergraduate Researcher
    • Working on event based vision under the supervision of Aydın Alatan.
  • July 23 - Sept 23
    Micropsi Industries
    Robotics Software Engineering Intern
    • Collaboratively worked on software integration of Fanuc robots to the company’s existing system MIRAI in infrastructure and robotics teams under the supervision of Orhan Can Görür.
    • Developed automated tests using Gazebo to improve CD/CI processes.
    • Researched and implemented a path smoothing algorithm for the new feature releases.
  • July 22 - Sept 22
    Kuartis Technology and Consulting
    Computer Vision and Machine Learning Engineering Intern
    • Builded camera calibration pipeline for a MWIR camera.
    • Researched and implemented convex optimization algorithms for high speed applications.
    • Implemented numerical methods for computer vision algorithms to run on FPGAs.
  • Agu 21 - Oct 21
    SensHero Predictive Maintenance Solutions
    Data Science Intern


  • SPRING 2022
    DTS2022 Course as a part of Design Factory Global Network in METU Design Factory
    • Contributed to the development and implementation of smartphone sensor-based data acquisition methods, focusing on capturing comprehensive driving behaviors such as head pose, blink rate, and speed, as well as complex driving maneuvers within the interdisciplinary framework.
    • Involved in the complete product development cycle, from customer surveys and market analysis to competitor analysis, guided by workshops, seminars, and the expertise of faculty members from diverse study fields.
  • FALL 2022
    AdımODTU Undergraduate Research Grant Program
  • FALL 2022
    Deep Learning Study Group #7
    • Participated deep learning study group as a part of inzva, which is a 12-week-long program that aims to teach both theoretical and practical aspects of common deep learning models. Each week a lecture is given by a person who is an expert on that week's topic.
  • FALL 2021
    Google Solution Challenge 2021
    • Developed mobile social app for raising environmental awareness among users using Flutter.

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    First Place in UORG 2023 Target Tracking Sponsored by ASELSAN
    • Developed detection and tracking algorithm with controller for the 2 axis gimbal mechanism.
  • 2022
    First Place in UORG 2022 Autonomous UAV Computer Vision Category Sponsored by STM
    • Developed image processing algorithms to detect multiple types of landmarks on the ground to feed a controler with error input for following a track.
  • 2022
    Third Place in UORG 2022 Autonomous UAV Autopilot Category Sponsored by STM
    • Contributed to development of control algorithm for drone to follow a predetermined path.
  • 2020
    Second Place in METU VTOL 2020 Sponsored by Boeing
    • Developed image processing algorithm to detect the location of cargo drop which correspons to human lost in a forest in the competition.
    • Designed the aircraft in conceptual and detailed in CAD model, and contributed to manufacturing.
  • 2020
    First Place in International Robot Competition 2020
    • Take a part in the development of The Fire Fighter Drone project, which became 1st Place in International Robot Competition 2020 among 955 confirmed projects from 21 different countries. The Fire Fighter Drone is a fixed-wing VTOL aircraft that can detect fire with an on-board camera and drop fire extinguisher attached to the aircraft at the end of the 1-meter long rope.
    • Was responsible for developing a image processing algorithm to detect fire, desing of the aircraft and presentation of the team.
    • After the competition, invited to a education camp as an lecturer.
  • 2020
    11th Place in Swarm UAV Competition - TEKNOFEST

Technical Strenhths

  • ● Computer Languages: Python, C/C++, MATLAB
  • ● Software & Tools: Pytorch, Tensorflow, OpenCV, LATEX, Flutter, Git, Gazebo, Solidworks