Furkan Çitil

System Engineer @ASELSAN
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Graduate @METU
Undergraduate Researcher @METU OGAM

I am an electrical and electronics engineering graduate at Middle East Technical University, actively engaged in robotics and computer vision research, particularly in event-based vision currently. My current research focus includes the exploration of possible use cases of fusing event-based sensors with depth data. Also, I am currently working as System Engineer at ASELSAN.

Prior to my current research, I have gained valuable industry experience through part-time Computer Vision and Machine Learning Engineering at Databoss Security & Analytics and internships at SensHero, Kuartis Technology and Consulting, and Micropsi Industries, where I contributed to projects in machine learning, computer vision, and robotics. My industry experience is characterized by actively researching and implementing practical solutions in various roles. These experiences include research and development of super-resolution algorithms , working on the predictive maintenance system for electrical lines, developing camera calibration pipelines for MWIR cameras, integrating AI systems into industrial robots, and implementing state of art algorithms in general.

During my undergraduate studies, I actively participated in numerous national and international competitions, garnering several awards. Additionally, I've been involved in diverse initiatives, including DTS2020 course in METU Design Factory as a part of DFGN, AdımODTU Undergraduate Research Grant Program for the development of an autonomous dogfighter project, developing a mobile app for the Google Solution Challenge and participating in the Deep Learning Study Group with Inzva. Also, I vas an active member and mentor in IEEE METU Robotics and Automation Society.

Completing my undergraduate study, I am eager to continue exploring the intersection of robotics, computer vision and machine learning in my future endeavors.


JULY 2024

I started working as System Engineer at ASELSAN.

JUNE 2024

🎓 I have graduated from Electrical and Electronics Engineering at METU.

OCT 2023

I have been invited and participated in International Aerospace Conference (IAC) 2023 in Baku due to our Autonomous Dogfighter UAV Project.

SEP 2023

I have completed my 12-week internship under the supervision of Orhan Can Görür, for which I am deeply grateful.

JUL 2023

My internship at Micropsi Industries started in Berlin.

JAN 2023

I've just become a part of METU OGAM as an undergraduate student.